Para realizar los pasos a continuación ya debiste descargar e instalar Urban Terror 4.1 y que que puedes acceder al juego
Esta pequeña guía puede no estar completa o faltarle algo, si es así te sugiero me escribas para mejorar o complementar el articulo.
y para no darle mas vueltas a esto iniciemos….
Para montar tu servidor básicamente se necesitan 2 archivos, el primero y principal es ioUrTded.exe el cual lanza el server, pero este así no mas no funciona.
Para ello se debe de colocar un icono de acceso direco en el escritorio del archivo ioUrTded.exe y luego de ello con el clic derecho en propiedades, vemos las opciones generales. Te ubicas en las pestaña de acceso directo como lo muestra la imagen y ubicas alli la linea de destino. En esta colocamos las siguientes opciones. +set dedicated 2 +set netport 27960 +set hunkmegs 256 +exec server.cfg
Por lo que deberia quedar asi: «C:\Archivos de programa\UrbanTerror\ioUrTded.exe» +set dedicated 2 +set netport 27960 +set hunkmegs 256 +exec server.cfg
Aunque en el video clip se menciona o se ve el archivo ioUrbanTerror.exe, deben hacer caso omiso a este, el correcto es ioUrTded.exe pero el procedimiento es el mismo.
Luego de este primer paso tan sencillo iniciaremos con la modificación del segundo archivo de configuración este es el server.cfg, este archivo lo encontramos en la siguiente ruta. C:\Archivos de programa\UrbanTerror\q3ut4\server.cfg, este archivo es fácilmente modificable con el block de notas o notepad.
No se si sea recomendable montar toda la estructura del archivo.. por lo que solo montare las lineas básicas para la puesta en marcha. Las lineas que estan en negrillas considero son las necesarias a modificar para poner a andar tu servidor de Urban Terror
Si no te quedo claro, puedes ver este vídeo clip…
//Example config. Note that everything behind // is ignored by the game
//Try to keep cvar-values as short as possible. Otherwise you might get «info string length exceeded» errors on your server
//*** Administrator Info, shows in some gamebrowsers ***
sets » Admin» «glaxeanf» //En esta linea colocas el nombre del administrador
sets » Email» ««//En esta linea Colocal el correo de Administrador
//*** Server Name and Daily Message ***
set sv_hostname «{.:C.O:.}= Caballeros Oscuros – Colombia» //En esta linea coloca el nombre de tu servidor
set g_motd «Mas que un juego es cuestion de honor» //Puedes colocar un mensaje alusivo al juego o loque prefieras. esto se ve cuando estan cargando los mapas.
set sv_joinmessage «Welcome to Urban {.:C.O:.}» //Aca colocas un mensaje de bienvenida, lo ves tan pronto ingresas al juego
//*** General Game Settings ***
set sv_maxclients «16 //Especifica la cantidad maxima de jugadores que puede mantener el servidor
set g_maxGameClients «0» //Especifica la cantidad de jugadores que pueden estar en el server. el valor 0 indica que los 18 configurados anteriormente pueden jugar.
set sv_privateClients «2»//Configura la cantidad de clientes privados que hay en el server, por lo general se dejan 2, para dos administradores.
set g_gametype «7» //0=FreeForAll, 3=TeamDeathMatch, 4=Team Survivor, 5=Follow the Leader, 6=Capture and Hold, 7=Capture The Flag, 8=Bombmode. Esta linea especifica el tipo de juego con el que se configurar el server
sets sv_dlURL «» //Sets the address for auto-downloading. Auto-download only works on ioUrbanTerror-clients, not quake3-clients. The client will try to download <sv_dlURL>/q3ut4/mapname.pk3. So if your server is running ut4_coolmap and sv_dlURL is set to ‘’, make sure the maps is hosted at Leaving this set ‘’ will make it use a map mirror with the most common maps on it. If you got your own hosting, please us that though, to save bandwith. Esta linea configura desde donde se descargaran los mapas de urban terror
//*** Passwords ***
set rconpassword «oscuro» //Password to control the server remotely using rcon. Colocas el password del RCON, con la cual administraras tu server.
set sv_privatePassword «equipoco» //password for private slots. Colocas el password para los slots privados que reservaste, en este ejemplo reservamos 2.
set g_password «» //password for the server. Nothing = public. Especifica si tu servidor tendra clave o sera publico.
//*** Limits/times ***
set timelimit «20» //time in minutes before map is over, 0=never Tiempo en minutos que dura el mapa
set fraglimit «10» //amount of points to be scored before map is over, 0=never
set capturelimit «0» //amount of flagcaps before map is over, 0=never
set g_warmup «15» //time in seconds before game starts when changed to a new map. Gives slower computers time to load before game starts
//*** Respawning *** (FFA, TDM, CAH, CTF)
set g_respawnDelay «8» //seconds before respawn, ignored when g_waverespawns is 1
set g_forcerespawn «20» //seconds before respawn is forced, even when plater did not press fire
set g_waverespawns «0» //use waverespawns, meaning everybody in a team respawns at the same time
set g_bluewave «15» //seconds between blue waverespawns, ignored when g_waverespawns is 0
set g_redwave «15» //seconds between red waverespawns, ignored when g_waverespawns is 0
set g_respawnProtection «2» //amount of seconds a spawning players is protected from damage
//*** Rules ***
set g_deadchat «1» //Determines if alive players can see dead players message. 0=living players can not see dead players chat 1=living players see only team-messages from dead teammembers 2=living players also see normal chats from dead players
set g_antiwarp «1» //enable or disable antiwarp. This option smooths the movement of warping players (warping is caused by a crappy connection, for instance when torrenting during playing). The warping player will experience stutters when this is enabled
set g_antiwarptol «50» //tolerance of the antiwarp. Higher = more tolerant. 50=default
set g_gear «0» //bitmask that decides which votes are allowed and which not. Check to find the correct number
set g_allowvote «1073741823» //bitmask that decides which votes are allowed and which not. Check to find the correct number
set g_failedvotetime «300» //time in seconds before someone can call another vote after another has failed
set g_followstrict «1» //1=no haunting of enemies when dead
set sv_floodprotect «1» //1=stops clients from spamming many chatlines
//*** Matchmode ***
set g_matchmode «0» //matchmode is for matchplay. Features timeouts and ready-commands
set g_timeouts «3» //ammount of timeouts that a team can do per map
set g_timeoutlength «240» //length of the timeout
set g_pauselength «0» //length of a pause. This can only be done by rcon. 0=indefinatly
//*** Team Game Settings ***
set g_friendlyFire «1» //0=no friendlyfire 1=friendlyfire on, kick after too many TK’s 2=friendlyfire on, no kicks
set g_maxteamkills «3» //amount of TK’s before you get kicked when friendlyfire is 1
set g_teamkillsforgettime «300» //amount of seconds before TK’s are forgotten
set g_teamautojoin «0» //force players to autojoin on connect, instead of letting them spec untill they join themselves
set g_teamForceBalance «1» //if on, you can’t join a team when it has more players then the other
set g_maintainTeam «1» //when switching maps, players will stay in their team
set g_teamnamered «Oscuros» //name for the red team, nothing = Red Dragons
set g_teamnameblue «Caballeros» //name for the red team, nothing = SWAT
set g_swaproles «0» //When map is over, play it again with the teams swapped (recommended for bombmode). After that, change map. 0=change map immediatly when map is over, no swapping of teams
//*** Team Survivor/Bombmode/Follow the Leader Specific Settings ***
set g_maxrounds «0» //number of rounds before map is over, 0=never
set g_RoundTime «3» //maximum minutes a round can take
set g_survivorrule «0» //0=teams don’t get a point when time is up before everyone is dead. 1=team with most players left gets point
set g_suddendeath «1» //when map is over and both teams have same amount of points, add another round
set g_bombdefusetime «10» //seconds it takes to defuse bomb
set g_bombexplodetime «40» //seconds before bomb goes off after planting
//*** Capture the flag Specific Settings ***
set g_flagreturntime «30» //if a flag is dropped, return it after this amount of seconds. Especifica el valor en segundos en el cual se retorma la bandera despues de perdida.
set g_hotpotato «2» //when both flags are taken, they will explode after this amount of minutes. Especifica en minutos el tiempo para hot potato.
//*** Advanced settings *** Dont change, unless you know what you are doing
set sv_strictauth «0» //1=check for valid cdkey, this means ioUrbanTerror players will not be able to join
set sv_pure «1» //dont let players load modified pk3-files
set sv_maxRate «0» //maximum traffic per second the server will send per client. 25000 or 0 = max
set sv_timeout «180» //time in seconds before player with a interupted connection will be kicked
set g_inactivity «240» //time in seconds before a non-moving player will be kicked. Especifica el valor en segundos de la incatividad del jugador, luego de esto es kikeado
//*** Master Servers *** Servers the server will report to if ‘dedicated’ is set to 2. When set to 1, it doesn’t report.
set sv_master1 «» //This one will be set automatically by the game-engine, so just leave it blank
set sv_master2 «»
set sv_master3 «»
set sv_master4 «»
set sv_master5 «»
//*** Other Settings ***
set g_armbands «1» //determines the behaviour of the armbandcolor (also shows on playerlist and minimap). 0=player’s choice, set with cg_rgb 1=Based on teamcolor (red or blue) 2=assigned by server (random)
set sv_maxping «150» //max ping a client may have when connecting to the server. Maximo ping que deben tener los jugadores para conectarse al servidor de urban terror
set sv_minping «0» //min ping a client may have when connecting to the server
set g_allowchat «2» //0= no chatting at all 1=teamchats only 2=all chats. Configura si hay o no chat, el valor 0 es no hay chat – el valor 1 solo chat para el equipo – y el valor 2 todos chatean.
set g_log «games.log» //name of the logfile. Empty («») means no log. Log will be in the q3ut4 folder in windows. Linux uses ~/.q3a/q3ut4
set g_logsync «1» //enables/disables direct writing to the log file instead of buffered
set g_loghits «0» //log every single hit. Creates very big logs
set g_logroll «0» //create new log every now and then, instead of always using the same one
set logfile «0» //additional logging in seperate qconsole.log file. 1=buffered, 2=synced
set g_cahtime «60» //Interval in seconds of awarding points for flags in Capture and Hold gamemode
//*** Map Rotation ***
set g_mapcycle «mapcycle.txt» //name of mapcycle-file, located in q3ut4 directory
map ut4_casa //what map to start with
//*** Anti Cheat ***
//pb_sv_enable //to enable PB, remove the // at the beginning of this line (only works when using Quake 3 Arena, not ioUrbanTerror)
set sv_battleye «0» //Keep this disabled, BattlEye is dead}
Espero les sirva a todos. y nos vemos para darnos bala en urban terror.